

而大多数污渍都是洗出来的, 你可能不知道如何去除衣服上的油和油渍. These unfortunate 染色s can turn your favorite outfit into an unwearable mess.

去除衣服上油渍的第一步是 植物动力洗衣液 由酶和易于生物降解的配方制成,就像我们的 ECOS低过敏性洗衣粉,所以你可以在污渍预处理后进行最后的清洗.

Oil 染色s are challenging, but we’re here to help make this difficult job a little easier. 我们将分享一些最好的抗污“食谱”和技巧, 甚至用太阳的力量来去除顽固的污渍. Read on to discover how to get rid of oil 染色s on clothes and breathe new life into the garments you thought were destined for the donation pile.


机会是, your grandmother or a well-meaning neighbor has recommended a DIY oil 染色 removal method they swear by. 然而, 因为它们的结果不可预测, these are usually unreliable at best—and damaging at worst when it comes to removing grease 染色s. 

That’s why we recommend sticking with solutions designed exactly for this purpose, like ECOS OxoBrite多用途去污剂.

无论你选择哪种去除污渍的方法, 同样重要的是,你要尽快处理污渍. 顽固的油渍总是很难清除. 也, 了解你要处理的织物类型, and be sure that any products you use on it are designed for the fabric type. Delicate fabrics like silk and wool may need professional cleaning when you need to remove 染色s.

话虽如此, we’re here to help you rescue your wardrobe (and yourself) from oil 染色 distress. 有了合适的十大彩票网赌平台,这可能比你想象的要容易.


一时冲动之下, 你可能会想把脏东西放在一边,以后再担心, 或者干脆把它扔进洗衣机,期待最好的结果. 然而, nailing the timing is crucial when it comes to getting oil 染色s out of your clothes.

After the initial oil 染色 happens, you might think it’s all said and done. 然而, 多余的油脂会滞留在织物表面,并继续慢慢渗入, which means you might end up with a much larger problem than you had at first. 这就是为什么去除顽固污渍会 more effective if you first remove any oil still lingering around the tough 染色. 


  • Place a piece of paper or cardboard under the 染色ed area and the rest of the clothing to keep the oil from bleeding through.
  • 用湿毛巾小心地轻拍患处.
  • Do your best not to spread the oil around or push it deeper into the fabric.


Once you’ve dabbed away any excess oil, don’t despair if the spot’s still there. We’re about to get to the most important part: preparing the solution to save your fabric. 

The key to fighting tough oil and grease 染色s is to combine lipase enzymes. These break up lipid molecules, aka oil, to make them smaller and easier for detergents to remove. You also want a solution with minerals, which provide the gentle friction needed to lift 染色s away. 

If you’re wondering if you should have paid more attention in chemistry class, 别担心——接下来的步骤实际上相当简单.


配方: 在一个小碗里,把材料混合成糊状. 就是这样!


手上拿着你的防油污液, the next step is to lay out your soiled clothing on a clean surface and get to work. 遵循以下步骤可以有效去除污渍:

  • 涂抹浆糊 -将浆糊轻拍在污渍上,足以完全覆盖污渍.
  • 擦去污迹 – With an old, soft 太thbrush or dry towel, gently rub the mix into the 染色. By working the paste directly into the 染色, you can more effectively lift and remove the oils. 如果有必要,可以随意添加更多的浆糊.
  • 让它深入人心 -让浆糊在污渍上停留15-20分钟.
  • 清洗并重复 -用冷水冲洗布料. 如果污渍仍然可见,你可以根据需要重复这个过程.



当污渍不再可见时, simply add the garment to the rest of your laundry and run a normal wash cycle. 

人们通常认为在这种情况下热水会有所帮助, 但事实是, there’s no need to use hot or even warm water—as long as you’re using a detergent like ECOS that works in all water temperatures. 

Hot water accounts for about 90 percent of the energy needed to run a washer, so cold water washing is better for your fabric and better for the environment, 太.



You might need some quick thinking and a bit of know-how to fix an oil 染色, but the last thing you need is to give yourself additional problems in the process. 这就是为什么我们建议避开传统的清洁十大彩票网赌平台, 尤其是去污剂. Many of these contain bleach and other harsh chemicals that are dangerous for your health and the health of the planet. 另外,它们对衣服也很硬. 

  • 健康问题 – Many conventional 染色 removers contain ingredients like ammonium lauryl sulfate sodium borate, 和methylisothiazolinone, 对皮肤和眼睛有腐蚀性的化学物质.
  • 环境问题 – Others use aerosol sprays and chemicals like disodium distyrylbiphenyl disulfonate and ​​chlorine bleach, 哪些会对我们的生态系统有害. 
  • 衣物损坏 -还有一些含有有害化学物质,如氯漂白剂, which are not only toxic to people and animals but also can damage your clothing beyond repair.



Once your clothes are clean, fresh, and oil-free, it’s finally time for their day in the sun. 字面上的. 

经过充分预处理后, 洗钱, 漂洗你染污的衣服, 晾干的最佳地点是阳光直射处. 


  • 紫外线 太阳的紫外线可以破坏化学键, 造成十大赌博官方正规网址漂白过程. 但别把那件衬衫搁在那儿 因为这可以帮助去除一些污渍, 长期暴露也会导致衣服整体褪色.
  • 再试一次是安全的 – While an electric or gas dryer may set in 染色s that haven’t been completely removed, 线干燥不. 如果你的污渍在衣服风干后仍然存在, 考虑再进行一次预处理. 

太阳能去除污渍的好处不容忽视. +, 避免使用烘干机可以节约能源, saving you money on utilities and making a positive contribution to the planet.


防止将来出现更多的污渍, 留意食物, 对象, 这些十大彩票网赌平台可能会让你大吃一惊, 如:

  • 烹饪喷雾
  • 黄油和人造黄油
  • 油性护发十大彩票网赌平台
  • 油性护肤品
  • 化妆
  • 机械
  • 汽油

You can also avoid clothing-related heartbreak by ensuring you check your pockets before you toss items into the wash. Many favorite t-shirts have perished to those dark spots of oil simply because we forgot to take that cherry lip balm out of our sweatpants pocket.

当然, oil 染色 accidents happen—and now that you’re armed with our guide on how to handle them, you should feel free to continue enjoying all that basil-tomato-mozzarella goodness, 加上大量的橄榄油. When you’re gearing up to treat yourself with an oil-based hair mask or change the car’s motor oil, 然而, 系上围裙总是有帮助的.


顽固的污渍会让人痛苦, but few things are more satisfying than seeing the oily 染色 fade and your favorite piece of clothing come back to life. 下面是一些建议, you should be well-prepared to contend with the worst that oil has to offer, 但如果你准备好了简单的解决方案, 看看ECOS就知道了. Equally important to oil 染色 care is knowing how to properly care for and wash your clothes on a regular basis. 无论是学习如何 洗白衣服 要保存那鲜亮的白色,还是怎样 洗有颜色的衣服 to keep those vibrant hues, we have the tips and resources to help you through it all. 知道 如何分类洗好的衣服 也能对你的洗衣程序非常有益吗.


Our laundry detergents and 染色 removers are sure to stop oil 染色s where they start. 探索我们的 更安全、可持续的清洁十大彩票网赌平台 了解更多.