How to Clean a Toilet: An Eco-Conscious Guide

5 minute read

Picture this—your toilet is so clean that it sparkles. Yes, that porcelain throne is as shiny and spotless as ever. The best part is, 你们用不污染地球的方法和十大彩票网赌平台实现了这种美丽的清洁状态.

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, we have some good news for you. You can clean your toilet and remain eco-conscious.

首先,你所需要的是一些十大彩票网赌平台如何在不使用有毒清洁化学品的情况下清洁厕所的技巧. With a little know-how and the right products, 这样你就能保持你的厕所干净,并帮助地球保持清洁, all at the same time.

What Is the Best Way to Clean a Toilet?

一个干净的马桶是将你的浴室从危险区域变成清爽的最快方法之一, welcoming environment. Don’t worry—we’ll walk you through the steps below. 但在你开始之前,你需要一些环保的清洁用品.

许多厕所清洁十大彩票网赌平台的设计都是为了去除有害细菌和难闻的气味. However, 传统的厕所清洁剂通常含有刺激性的化学物质,你肯定不希望这些化学物质残留在我们的水系统中. Therefore, when navigating how to clean a bathroom, avoid toxic cleaners and opt for safer options instead.

你可以用几种更环保、更健康的方式来清洁厕所. Plant-powered toilet cleaners like ECOS Toilet Bowl Cleaner are a much better choice. This cleaner’s simple formula is:

  • Readily biodegradable
  • Greywater safe
  • Septic safe
  • Certified by the U.S. EPA’s Safer Choice program1
  • Made using thoughtfully sourced ingredients

Using products that are better for you and the environment is always a smart cleaning choice. 接下来,让我们来看看如何保持定期清洁厕所.

Step 1: Invest In a Good Toilet Brush

Think of your toilet brush as your magic wand. 它可以到达马桶里所有你看不见的地方. Toilet brushes are made specifically for scrubbing toilet bowls, 它们坚硬的鬃毛可以帮助去除脏马桶上的斑点和污渍. 

许多马桶刷的一个缺点是它们通常是用塑料制成的. 幸运的是,更环保的马桶刷确实存在. 选择由可生物降解和可堆肥材料制成的马桶刷. 天然的马桶刷材料,如椰子纤维和竹子,可以帮助你完成工作,而不会对环境造成塑料的影响.

Step 2: Give the Bowl a Regular Full Cleaning Once a Week



  • Coat the inner part of the toilet bowl with your plant-powered toilet bowl cleaner.
  • Let the product sit for 5–10 minutes.
  • 为了清除污垢,用马桶刷轻轻擦洗马桶内部.
  • Flush the toilet.
  • Take a step back and admire the sparkle.

A toilet-cleaning tip: 清洁碗是很重要的,但要彻底清洁,别忘了擦洗碗边下面. A study in the Journal of Applied Microbiology found that Salmonella could survive in domestic toilets for up to four weeks. 大多数存活的细菌都在水线以上和马桶边缘以下. This means you should make sure you don’t skip these areas when you clean.

Step 3: Use a Safer Disinfectant for the Lid, Seat, and Handle

When we clean our toilets, 我们有时会把注意力集中在碗上,但马桶盖和马桶盖也应该得到同样多的关爱. But how often should you clean your bathroom and toilet? 定期的马桶清洁和消毒可以帮助你去除不必要的细菌,并保持马桶外部的光亮.

因为你清洗的是马桶直接接触皮肤的部分, 你肯定需要一种不会留下任何化学残留物的浴室清洁十大彩票网赌平台. ECOS One-Step Disinfectant Cleaner deodorizes and disinfects with the power of hydrogen peroxide. Plus, this cleaning solution can kill 99.9% of germs without chlorine bleach, ammonia, phosphates, and other harsh ingredients—making it better for you, your toilet, and the earth.


  • Spray the disinfectant to thoroughly wet each part of the toilet, including the lid, seat, handle, toilet tank, and outside of the bowl.
  • Allow the cleaner to sit for 10 minutes. 这段等待时间可以让消毒剂对细菌和细菌发挥它的魔力.
  • 一旦时间到了,用毛巾擦去消毒剂——不需要冲洗.

Step 4: Spot Clean as Needed

每周进行一次有效的清洁,保持厕所一尘不染是轻而易举的事. Still, 每周至少检查几次马桶,可以帮助你防止积聚和散发气味, making your regular routines even easier. 

To spot-clean and deodorize your toilet bowl, all you need to do is:

  • Spray your disinfectant cleaner to wet any areas of the toilet that need a spot cleaning.
  • 让十大彩票网赌平台静置15-20秒,以渗透任何顽固的污渍和斑点.
  • After the product sits, simply wipe it away.
  • Use the same spray to deodorize the inside of your toilet, letting the product sit for 10 minutes before flushing.

How Do You Clean a Stained Toilet?

Sometimes stains set in before we can act to prevent them. 其他的可能只是由于水中矿物质的石灰积聚而发生的.3 别担心,你仍然可以去除这些顽固的污渍,保持环保意识. 

In addition to your safer bathroom cleaners, 清理脏马桶的关键是要有一点耐心. 是的,让你的清洁剂多待一会儿,也许你只需要把这些污渍洗掉.

Follow these steps to take care of any toilet stains:

  1. Apply your cleaner – If your toilet has some long-lasting, set-in toilet bowl stains, you should begin by using your plant-powered toilet bowl cleaner. Be sure to thoroughly coat areas under the rim and around the bowl.
  2. Let it sit – Leave the cleaner in the dirty toilet for 15–30 minutes. Use that time to tackle the rest of your bathroom, dance like no one’s watching, or take a quick power nap.
  3. Scrub away – Use your toilet brush to scrub away as much of the grime as you can. 仔细擦洗,确保你清洁了你看不见的边缘下面的区域.
  4. Repeat as needed – Flush and look for any remaining stains. 如果你仍然看到一些污渍或其他残留物,重复上面的步骤,直到它们完全消失.
  5. Clean the lid and seat – If your toilet seat and lid feature any stubborn stains, follow the same steps above, but with your safer disinfectant or an all-purpose cleaner.

Man rocking out on an air guitar mop

What Should You Look for In Eco-Conscious Toilet Cleaners?

让我们面对现实吧——我们的厕所是一项现代发明,我们大多数人可能都不想没有它. 但说到保持清洁,挖掘具有环保意识的十大彩票网赌平台可能是一项棘手的任务. 


These elements include:4

  • No harsh chemicals – Bleach, ammonia, and phosphates are all on the list of chemicals to avoid, as these can harm our health and the environment. 你可以用更安全、更健康的成分达到同样的清洁效果, like hydrogen peroxide and citric acid.
  • Fragrance-free (or natural fragrances) – Many of the fragrances in cleaning products contain phthalates, an ingredient that can be toxic to our bodies and our planet’s ecosystems.5 而不是有强烈的化学香味的十大彩票网赌平台,寻找没有任何化学香味的配方. You can also find products with more natural scents, such as the cedarwood essential oil and plant-based ingredients in  ECOS Toilet Bowl Cleaner, to add a pleasant scent.
  • Eco-conscious packaging -为了尽量减少对环境的影响,寻找可回收和可回收材料的十大彩票网赌平台. For example, 用于ECOS十大彩票网赌平台的瓶子是用回收的消费塑料制成的,是完全可回收的.6

Of course, 还有一个你可以用来识别环保十大彩票网赌平台的捷径:寻找更安全的选择标签. Developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “更安全的选择”计划认证使用对人类和地球健康更安全的成分的十大彩票网赌平台,并有助于减少我们对环境的影响.7

Keep Your Toilet Sparkling Clean with ECOS

With a few more sustainable methods and products, keeping your toilet clean and fresh in a safer way can be a breeze. Plus, you’ll know that every time you sparkle and shine your bathroom, you’ll support your health and our planet.

当你想保持你的家干净,你的家人远离刺激性化学品,ECOS plant-powered cleaners are a smart choice.

EPA. Safer Choice.
Journal of Applied Microbiology. Survival of Salmonella in Bathrooms and Toilets in Domestic Homes.
Good Housekeeping. How to Easily Remove Hard Water Stains.
Environmental Working Group. About EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning.
ECOS. The Nasties. 
ECOS. Can conscious cleaning help clean up the earth?